We apologise with you because thegame is incomplete due to personal

issues! We will work on it after the jam! 

Kraken surprise is a tactic turn base mixed with RTS game where the player  has to collect crude oil from off-shore drilling stations spread across the map trying to not be killed by an horrific creature that moves around the map, a Kraken.

Oil barrels are produced ny the drilling station and the player needs to move towards them to actually collect.

If the player meets the Kraken then an RTS battle begins. If the player flees the battle it will then lose all the accumulated barrels.

The player can trade the oil barrels with money.

The player wins once he reaches a billion dollar.


Music by Peter Hawkey: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNOQXxO3YR0GMBt57akZEkg

3D models by Daemon: https://daemon013.itch.io/

Other graphics: game market and Kenny assets.

Development log

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